Community building work is not the responsibility of few individuals. It can be achieved by joining hands. Camel foundation is not asking for just donations but your active participation and sharing responsibility.
Allah says in Quran: 5:2
(O you who believe )….. help one another in piety and goodness and do not help one another in sin and aggression.
Islam encourages us to work together for common good and to refrain from working together that is inappropriate and unseemly.When people work together there is motivation, enthusiasm and rise in spirit. Individuals are encouraged by one another. A spark of goodness then engulfs the society, leading to building a better world.
You can get involved by promoting our work among your friends and family and attending our monthly gatherings in your region. There are multiple ways you can get involved. Kindly click the link below to leave your details. These details will help us find the most ideal role for you.